
sculpture by
Will Kuiper

Wickerman, sculpture by Will Kuiper
Wickerman, sculpture by Will Kuiper
Wickerman by Will Kuiper
Wickerman, sculpture by Will Kuiper
Wickerman by Will Kuiper
Wickerman, sculpture by Will Kuiper
Wickerman, sculpture by Will Kuiper
Wickerman, sculpture by Will Kuiper
Wickerman, sculpture by Will Kuiper
Wickerman, sculpture by Will Kuiper
Wickerman, sculpture by Will Kuiper
Wickerman, sculpture by Will Kuiper
Wickerman, sculpture by Will Kuiper
Wickerman, sculpture by Will Kuiper
Wickerman, sculpture by Will Kuiper
Wickerman, by Will Kuiper
Wickerman, by Will Kuiper
Wickerman, by Will Kuiper
Wickerman, by Will Kuiper
Wickerman by Will Kuiper

The figure is an excursion in anthropomorphism across media, literature, and ancient histories. A variation of the motifs and effigies used in the rituals of ancient cultures, in order to create an ethereal interplay between the elements.

The sculptural challenge invites engagement on multiple levels, ie; how the lines that are drawn in space denote or emphasize anatomy; how the effects of ‘inverse-collapse’ trick the minds-eye, and how the fragility of the lines can imply the substantial presence of the form.

An ancient theme from folklore presented as contemporary sculpture, invoking the shadows of the ancient world in todays reality.